Tobias and his two daughters are on a tour of Transylvania when their carriage broke a wheel. Their driver takes them to a nearby castle but refuses to enter the gates himself. They are let into the castle by a dubious servant named Schnapps. They are invited to dine with the owner of the castle, Count Drunkula. The meal is strange, the servant is very strange and Count Drunkula the strangest of all, when they finally get to meet him!
A comedic take off of the Dracula story in one act.
Read an extract here:
(Enter stage left Schnapps. He is a hunchbacked figure and drags his left leg badly. He is scruffily dressed in an old black tailed coat, black trousers and a badly stained white shirt. He is carrying a tureen of soup on a tray but as he trembles badly most of the soup is in the tray. He shuffles to the table)
Schnapps: (abruptly) Soup!
(Dumps the tureen on the table splashing the soup everywhere)
Victoria: Oh! Clumsy oaf! Do something father.
Tobias: Careful man, who the devil do you think you are?
Schnapps: Schnapps
Tobias: I know your name man, what I mean is……
(Schnapps produces a bottle from his pocket and starts to pour into Pricilla’s glass)
Schnapps: Schnapps
Tobias: Oh! I see….I see.
(Schnapps finishes filling Pricilla’s glass then takes a swig from the bottle)
Victoria: Oh good God!
(There is moan from the coffin)
Pricilla: What was that?
Schnapps: Voodvorm
(All look at Schnapps as he fills Victoria’s glass. When he has done so he takes another swig from the bottle. Victoria stands in protest)
Victoria: Father!
Pricilla: Perhaps he is thirsty Vicky.
Victoria: Don’t call me Vicky and he should confine his disgusting habits to the servant’s quarters.
(Schnapps fills Tobias’ glass and takes another swig before moving away)
Tobias: I say my man.
Schnapps: Vot?
Tobias: Kindly leave the bottle.
Schnapps: No.
Tobias: I beg your pardon?
Schnapps: No.
Victoria: Father! Do something. This man needs a horse whipping.
Tobias: Yes indeed he does. Where is your master man? Will he be having dinner with us?
Schnapps: My master? Count Drunkula? Oh yes he vill be haffing his dinner very very soon.
(Exits chuckling away to himself)
The whole script can be read and purchased here: